Το εκπληκτικό βίντεο δημοσιεύσε το Howard Hughes Medical Institute με περιγραφή:
“Immune cells within the perilymphatic space of the inner ear of several zebrafish embryos 80 hpf showing: MIP view of two immune cells (orange), one of which has ingested dextran particles (blue), before and after AO plus deconvolution for 438 time points at 13 sec intervals; volume rendered view in another embryo, showing a migrating immune cell and a dividing endothelial cell; and tracking of the position and velocity of an immune cell in a third embryo (c.f., Fig. 6E,F, figs. S13-15). ”
Credit: T. Liu et al./Science 2018
Ευχόμαστε το zebrafish, που δεν θα μάθει ποτέ ότι έγινε viral, να είναι καλά στην υγεία του